They let them go and, presumably, gave them bus tickets and admission passes to the next Trump rally

Those Illegal Jordanians Who Tried to Breach the Gate at Quantico? Feds Can't Be Bothered With Them

The story so far: Two Jordanians, one of whom slipped across the border as a “gottaway”, the other whose student visa had expired two years ago, showed up at Quantico in an unmarked, empty box truck and told the guard that they were there to make a FedEx delivery. They couldn’t produce any paperwork relating to the shipment, nor any personal ID, so the guard motioned them over to a more secure holding area while he called for backup. Our newcomers didn’t obey that order and instead tried to ram the gate. Hilarity ensued.

Eventually, the Marines ended up with two illegals in custody, one of whom is on the terrorist watch list. They turned them over to ICE and ICE brought them before a judge, who released them immediately and made them pinky-swear to come back in September to face misdemeanor charges. Why? The government won’t say. Who are they? The government refused to say, “because it would violate their personal rights to privacy” WTF???

Here’s what’s been going on:

Homeland Republicans Probe DHS, FBI, DOD on Attempted Breach of Marine Corps Base by Jordanian Nationals in U.S. Illegally

“...In the letter, the Chairmen write,The Committee on Homeland Security (Committee) is investigating the attempted breach of Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCB Quantico) by two individuals on May 3, 2024. According to public reports, two men drove a truck to the main gate of MCB Quantico, where guards attempted to redirect the truck after the two men could not provide access credentials. The driver ignored the guards’ orders, and moved the truck forward until officers stopped the truck by deploying vehicle denial barriers. The two individuals were subsequently detained and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Reporting suggests that one occupant of the truck is a Jordanian foreign national who recently crossed the U.S. Southwest border and one occupant is on a federal terrorist watchlist. It is unclear if the descriptions apply to the same occupant.”

Yesterday, intrepid diggers uncovered their names:.

The Biden administration has refused answer reporters’ questions, rule out terrorism, or even reveal the names of two Jordanians in the country illegally, one of whom had illegally crossed the U.S. Southwest border, who on May 3 conducted a box truck ramming attack on Quantico Marine Corps Base.

The Department of Justice, Department of Defense, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the FBI all circled wagons to guard even the identities of the two Jordanians against five written congressional inquiries, a sixth by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin seeking government briefings about the incident, and most recently a subpoena by the Republican-led House Homeland Security Committee of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Government lawyers went so far as to refuse a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Freedom of Information Act request on grounds that releasing their names was a “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and of “minimal public interest” despite the congressional and media inquiries that reached a May 16 White House press briefing where President Biden’s spokesperson refused to answer.

But a systematic search of federal court records by the Center has now turned up the names of the men as Hasan Y. Hamdan and Mohammad K. Dabous. The records also provide an indication of at least what the federal government has done with them since their May 3 arrests, though stop short of why they tried to ram a truck into the military base or how they came to be in Virginia. While one Jordanian illegally crossed the border a month before the incident, the other reportedly overstayed a student visa he'd been issued but never used.

We already know that our intelligence services are incompetent, and many suspect that they’re also in the tank, but this still deserves further investigation.