Not the Bee: "Scientists" have come up with a solution for leaky KN95 masks

scientists find putting pantyhose on your head makes your mask safer

Really — a genuine, for-real, article about a study released by experts from the University of Cambridge

You may remember that Cambridge’s Imperial College was Neil Ferguson’s home for decades until he was fired for breaking the very lockdown he’d advocated, in order to screw around with his married mistress. Ferguson and his colleagues had previously modeled hysterical death counts for Avian flu, swine flu, Ebola — in fact, every disease that’s cropped up over the past 30 years or so. They were wildly wrong: 2 million deaths predicted for swine flu, 480 actual, etc. The same bizarre, totally erroneous model for COVID deaths was the primary driver for the worldwide lockdown, cited by Dr. Falsie and every other health charlatan around the globe.

Anyway, the university experts are at it again. The one notable takeaway from this foolishness is an admission that schools and our own health establishment refuse to confess: even KN95 masks won’t protect civilian users (including, of course, young children).

“A better seal around the edges of the masks means more protection from COVID-19, but most consumer-level surgical masks and KN95s leave gaps around the sides. The researchers tested seven different hacks that attempt to close the gaps, on surgical and KN95 masks:

  • Taping the edges of a mask to one's face

  • Filling the sides of a mask with gauze

  • Binding the mask to the face with gauze (the "mummy" method)

  • Putting a knot in the ear loops

  • Rubber bands around the front to create a "brace" against the mouth

  • A slice of pantyhose wrapped around the face

In the end, it was putting a slice of pantyhose around your face that won out, but these geniuses then made a surprising, counter-intuitive discovery:

"For most of the hacks, comfort was a big issue," Eugenia O'Kelly, the paper's first author, said in a press release…

"The pantyhose caused high levels of discomfort as well as issues speaking and occasional obstruction of the eyes," the researchers wrote.

The report doesn’t say how much taxpayer money was expended to learn that wrapping one’s face with pantyhose is uncomfortable, but I’d have told them that for 5¢, and any bank robber would probably attest to it for free.

These are the morons who are running the world’s response to COVID, and now you now why it’s been a complete, utter disaster.