Child abuse: administrator, teachers unions, and parents

Schools Nationwide Bitterly Clinging To Masks And Vax

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the last place that will be freed from COVID restrictions will be the public schools.

And this mania for pushing both mask wearing in perpetuity, and a full embrace of vaccinations, has become more than just a public health issue. For those in charge of the public schools, it has turned into a religious cult. And you can tell it’s become a cult because they aren’t stopping to consider the harm that they will do to children. They have the power in the public schools, and they will cram down compliance for their mask mandates and pressure kids into getting vaccinated – OR ELSE.

Better a fire hazard than COVID attack

And this: Illinois Judge Strikes Down State's Mask Mandate: Chaos and Much Hilarity Ensue

Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge Raylene DeWitte Grischow said the mandates violate the plaintiffs’ “due process rights under the law which provide them a meaningful opportunity to object to any such mitigations.”

That said, the reaction — or “overreaction” — by mask proponents was predictable.

The teachers’ unions are threatening to close down the schools. The Chicago teachers’ union is threatening to strike — again. Governor J.B. Pritzker, running hard for re-election and basing his campaign on the state’s catastrophic response to the pandemic, which he claims wasn’t so bad after all, made it seem as if ending the mask mandate was a death sentence.

“The grave consequence of this misguided decision is that schools in these districts no longer have sufficient tools to keep students and staff safe while COVID-19 continues to threaten our communities – and this may force schools to go remote,” said Pritzker.

The Chicago Teachers Union issued a statement on the ruling Saturday, saying they expect Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Chicago Public Schools to “act responsibly” and uphold their agreement to require masks at school and provide KN95 masks for every adult and child.

“We should not have to fight every inch for basic protection, but such are the times in which we live, where the few can trump the safety of the many,” CTU said in a statement.

CPS later released a statement saying the court’s ruling does not prohibit the school district from continuing its COVID-19 mitigation policies and procedures, including universal masking, and that the district “will stay the course.”