This doesn't seem to be an uncommon occurrence

And for those unfortunate outdoorsmen who can’t reach those Scottish windmills’ power source, there’s an alternative:but not after 2030 in California, where fossile-fueld generator will be banned.

In related news, Siemens just reported a $967,000 loss in just the last three months. Warranty claims

Worse, and just like its competitors’ products, their turbines are falling over at an increasing rate as the towers grow taller and taller

Up in Maine, where electricity costs have doubled in the past year and voters rejected a 150’-wide transmission corridor that would have brought Cndian hydropower to
New England, regulators have just approved a billion-dollar wind farm, with a transmission corridor, to the unanimous cheers of the green lobby, who have vowed to stop all sources of electricity except solar and wind. Lucky Mainers.