That's Ho Kwok, man
/no joke
There was an early morning FBI raid on a house on Taconic Road yesterday, and a reliable source tells me it was at the residence of Ho Wan Kwok, 373 Taconic Road.
Mr. Kwok was arrested by the feds yesterday in NYC and charged with a billion-dollar fraud, so this wouldn’t surprise me, especially if he was using it as a hiding place for his friend Joe’s secret papers. It’s just a shame he didn’t live over on Rogues Hill Road, so that he could have kept up that thoroughfare’s reputation.
373 Taconic Road has had a rough price history: designed by the late Rick Moison, it was originally listed when new in 2004 at $12.750, but eventually sold in 2005 for $9.350. That buyer, in turn, sold it for $4.6 million in 2020; if it was indeed Mr. Kwok who bought it then, perhaps we’ll see another low price when his court-appointed receiver disposes of it in a distress sale.